My name is Miguel Herráez, I am an industrial engineer and Phd in Materials Science.
My first contact with Composite Materials was at the end of my BSc in Mechanical Engineering, performing my final project in the US (West Virginia University).
Thanks to my Advisor (Prof. Ever Barbero), I started to get more and more involved in that field. At that moment, I did not know that it was just the beginning of my scientific career.
I have been studying, testing and developing Finite Element (FE) simulations since 2013, when I started my Phd on numerical modeling of fiber-reinforced composites. I still remember the first years in which I had to learn very little by little about this topic on my own.
For that reason, I have finally prepared this course with which I want you to learn the numerical strategies for the simulation of composite materials.
You will learn in some hours all what I have learnt in almost 10 years!
Visiting researcher
Post-doctoral researcher
Industrial and scientific projects
BSc final project
Research assistant
Phd in Mechanics of Materials
BSc in Industrial Engineering
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After finishing the course you will get your certificate of completion
You will get all the scripts, programs, examples and quizzes of the course
I will solve all your questions throughout the course
The course is made of 5 chapters, containing +26 hours of video, organized into +170 lessons, +60 Python scripts, +40 technical papers and references
CLICK on the chapters below to check out the contents
Introduction to composites
Computational Micromechanics
Computational Mesomechanics
Computational Macromechanics
Conclusions and challenges
You will not only learn to design, build and solve the models covered during the course, but also you will be ready to develop a thousand more types of models!
I have invested a lot preparing this course and I am really proud of the result. I strongly believe that it is going to be super useful for you and a huge time-saver.
Theoretical explanations
Practical cases
The course provides an unconditional money-back guarantee.
Join without any commitment. If you are not satisfied, we will refund all your money within the first 15 days.
Send an email to, and request your refund. The only condition is that you shall not have watched more than 20% of the course.
5 blocks of contents
+170 lessons
+26 h of recorded videos
+60 Python scripts
+40 papers and references
Fully compatible with Abaqus Learning Edition